Simon Says

The Waypoint team have been a huge help, firstly by simplifying our messaging through a refreshed and more engaging website, and secondly by building a members only Volunteers site to provide information and tools to our many helpers. Thank you!
— Georgie Bennett, Chief Operations Office, Simon Says

our contribution 

We helped Simon Says to simplify their messaging and streamline their website to ensure their aims and objectives were easily understood. This was undertaken to increase the level of donations, by helping people understand how the charity works, thereby increasing the amount of work this fantastic charity is able to do.

We also created a secure password protected volunteers' website to enable this dedicated and valuable workforce to communicate with each other, sign-up for events and access important documents.

about Simon Says

Simon Says is a child bereavement support charity. Their aim is to support children who have lost someone important to them so they can help to understand what has happened to them and move forward to rebuilding their lives. 

Their aims are to support children and young people up to age 18 by offering information and advice, run a telephone line, host support groups as well as give advice and training to teachers and other professionals working with bereaved children and young people.


further case studies